Hi Everyone

Hamworthy Club Magna Rd, Canford Magna, Bournemouth, Wimborne BH21 3AP

Poole Wheelers Social Evening – 6.00 PM – 10.00PM (approx.)
Incorporating the club AGM – at approx. 7.00pm – details to be confirmed

Food options menu will be sent out early January

Provisional Plan for evening

6.00pm skittles competition –who can get the most down with 3 balls (reset when all down)

7.00pm AGM

8.00pm Food to be served – needs to be pre-ordered – details will be sent out in early January

8.00pm to finish more skittles for those who want to partake

This will be a great opportunity for all members of the club to come together have a chat and socialise – the bar will be open all evening coffee and soft drinks also available

As for the AGM – would you like to get more involved with how the club is run. Can you help here?
Should we have more club rides- can you help organise / lead them?
Can you help with race organisation?
Would you be willing to join the committee?
(if you have any questions on what you could possibly help with or what is involved either speak to any current committee members or e-mail chairman@poolewheelers.com )

An agenda for the AGM will be sent out approx. 1 week prior , therefore if you want an item to be raised at the meeting, please submit this to secretary@poolewheelers.om by Wednesday 11th January 2023.

We are looking forward to see as many members as possible at this event – lets make it a memorabile night and kick 2023 off in a positive way for the club.

The Poole Wheelers committee

About the Author: Pete Watkins