Become a Poole Wheelers member!
We encourage newcomers to come along to our weekly rides and/or events to meet our club members before joining. Join our Facebook Group or take a look at our Events pages to find out where our next ride/event is.
- Membership runs yearly from 1st January to 31st December
- New members joining from the 1st September will have membership run through until 31st December the following year (16 months in total).
- Each year, we will remind you that membership is due by email.
British Cycling Membership
In addition to Poole Wheelers membership we recommend all riders obtain Ride membership or above via British Cycling (BC), for liability insurance and other benefits – especially if you ride regularly, with Poole Wheelers or on your own.
Note that whilst you purchase the Poole Wheelers club membership via the British Cycling website, this is separate to the British Cycling Ride or Race (Bronze, Silver and Gold) memberships. If you want to race in BC evets, you must have a race license.
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