When you first start racing, knowing which licenses and memberships you require to ride different events can be a head-scratcher. By popular demand we have put together an article which aims to clear this up for all those who need some clarification, or are new to racing altogether.

British Cycling:
In order to race in any British Cycling event, regardless of discipline (road, track, circuit, cyclo-cross etc), you will need a Silver or Gold BC membership and a full race license. If you are already a ‘Ride’ or ‘Bronze’ BC member you will need to upgrade this to Silver or Gold. Once upgraded, a full race license is attainable.
To do so, head to: https: http://www.britishcycling.org.uk/membership/article/mem-st-Racing-Licence-Prices-0-Need-a-Racing-Licence–0

Full race licenses range from £20-£40 depending on age, and are free until riders reach 16 years old. Riders will need to renew their licenses every year, expiry date falls on December 31st. Remember to bring your license card with you on race day otherwise you cannot sign on!

Depending on your needs, it is possible to purchase ‘single day’ licenses if consistent racing is not possible, or you want to dip your toes into some racing without paying for a full year. Depending on the race classification, these range from £5-£10 per day. (Please note, not all race organisers will accept day licenses, so please check in advance).

TLI licenses:
For those who are interested in racing the popular Moreton Race Series, you will need to hold a current TLI license.
Obtainable here: https://www.riderhq.com/groups/p/vp18ediq/f/tli-cycling-0/join.
Once held, you will be eligible to sign up to the series each week.

Time Trialling:
Finally, to race open TT events (Road+TT bike) riders will require a CTT membership. CTT are the governing body for time trialling in England and Wales. Becoming a member is free; you just need to be part of a registered cycling club such as Poole Wheelers.
Sign up here: https://www.cyclingtimetrials.org.uk/register
CTT will keep a record of your results, upcoming events, PB’s and provide liability insurance when participating in their events. Please note, you won’t need a CTT membership to race club events, but you will in order to race open events.

If you have any more questions on road racing then please message me, Dan Newman, or for more information on time trialling, message Tim Flynn.

Dan Newman

About the Author: Pete Watkins